Call For Paper:
All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research
content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. Topics of interest for submission
include, but are not limited to:
Law | Management | Arts & Education |
Administrative Law Constitutional Law Criminology and Penalogy Gender related Law Mercantile Law Climate Change Law Copy Right Law Criminal Law Cyber Law Death Penalty Domestic Violence E-commerce Environmental Law Environmental, Social and Governance Human Right Law International Law Labor and Social Law Legal History Maritime Law Narcotic Law Prison Law Public Law Rehabilitation & Victimology Sustainable Future and Legal Developments Terrorism Law Etc. |
Banking Management Business Management E- Business Finance Management Hospitality and Tourism Management Information Management Logistics & Supply Chain Management Marketing, Operations Management Organizational Management Human Resources Management & Finance Commerce etc…. |
Art, Law, Library, Science Art History. Art Management. Communications. Economics. History. International Relations and Studies. Justice Administration Justice. Languages and Literatures. Linguistics. Performing Arts. Political Science. Philosophy. Psychology. Public Policy. Religion. Sociology. Social Science. Visual Arts. etc…. |
Call for Book Chapter :
- For special consideration in an upcoming internationally edited volume, we are also seeking submissions that engage
with a variety of critical issues within the sphere of human rights and marginalisation. The scope of themes includes but is
not limited to: the historical contexts of marginalisation and their ongoing impacts on present-day human rights
challenges; the role of intersectionality in shaping access to rights and justice across various identities such as race,
gender, sexuality, and disability; philosophical and theoretical explorations of rationality and belief systems, particularly
in relation to their effects on human rights and social justice; the dynamics of witchcraft, superstition, and rationality,
especially in the context of harmful practices and legislative frameworks in India; an examination of how legal
frameworks, both global and local, succeed or fail in protecting marginalised groups; the inuence of economic
inequality on social justice and potential remedies; issues surrounding health equity and the accessibility of medical
services for marginalised populations; the implications of technological advancements for the privacy and rights of such
groups; the complex interplay between environmental justice and indigenous rights; and the transformative potential of
education in empowering marginalised communities, combating superstition, and fostering rational thought.
Abstract Requirements:
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- Research design/methodology
- The abstract text must be written in one continuous paragraph not longer than 300 words. Numbered list, bullet points or tables
are strictly prohibited. - Any conclusion/interpretations/discussions that could be drawn out from the result of the study.
The body of the abstract must contain the following information:
- Objective/purpose/rationale of the study
- Research design/methodology
- Overview of findings/trends (expected or preliminary results if the research is still in progress)
- To maintain impartiality and avoid any basis, authors are encouraged to not use any honorifics or rank such as Dr and Professor when referring to themselves in the document.
Presentation Requirements:
- All presentations must be done in English.
- Oral Presentations : Each presenter shall be given 10 minutes for presentation. An additional 5minutes will be added for Q&A which will be moderated by the session chair
For the benefit of the audience, the presentation should at least cover the following area:
- The objective/purpose/rationale of the study
- Background/overview of the topic
- Theoretical framework
- Research design and methodology
- Overview of findings and results
- Conclusion/Discussion
Full Paper:
- Full papers must be uploaded in MS Word format.
- Papers must not be more than 15 pages long. This is inclusive of all text, tables, gures, and any appendices. A fee of USD25
per page will be imposed for each additional page beyond this limit. A separate invoice will be issued to the author if this limit has
been exceeded. - The author will be notied via email if his/her paper has been accepted. Acceptance notications will normally come with
suggestions and remarks from the paper’s reviewer. - Presenters may opt to NOT publish their papers in the conference proceedings. If this is the case, please inform the conference
secretariat of your intentions as early as possible to prevent any issues after the ofcial publication of the proceedings.
Selection of articles will be based a number of factors including, among other things, quality of research, originality, and style. Selected papers may be required to undergo further review and editing before actual publication in selected Journals.