Call for paper

Call For Paper:

This is an interdisciplinary international research conference intended for researchers, students of engineering and industrial domain experts where everyone can share their inventions and ongoing research. Review papers are also welcome. The conference proceeding will be published with ISSN Journal. The theme of conference is all engineering disciplines and industrial domains.

Abstract Requirements:

  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Research design/methodology
  • The abstract text must be written in one continuous paragraph not longer than 300 words. Numbered list, bullet points or tables are strictly prohibited.
  • Any conclusion/interpretations/discussions that could be drawn out from the result of the study

The body of the abstract must contain the following information:

  • Objective/purpose/rationale of the study
  • Research design/methodology
  • Overview of findings/trends (expected or preliminary results if the research is still in progress)
  • To maintain impartiality and avoid any basis, authors are encouraged to not use any honorifics or rank such as Dr and Professor when referring to themselves in the document.

Presentation Requirements:

  • All presentations must be done in English.
  • Oral Presentations : Each presenter shall be given 10 minutes for presentation. An additional 5minutes will be added for Q&A which will be moderated by the session chair

For the benefit of the audience, the presentation should at least cover the following area:

  • The objective/purpose/rationale of the study
  • Background/overview of the topic
  • Theoretical framework
  • Research design and methodology
  • Overview of findings and results
  • Conclusion/Discussion

Full Paper:

  • Full papers must be uploaded in MS Word format .
  • Papers must not be more than 15 pages long. This is inclusive of all text, tables, figures,
    and any appendices. A fee of USD25 per page will be imposed for each additional page beyond this limit.
    A separate invoice will be issued to the author if this limit has been exceeded.
  • The author will be notified via email if his/her paper has been accepted. Acceptance
    notifications will normally come with suggestions and remarks from the paper’s reviewer.
  • Presenters may opt to NOT publish their papers in the conference proceedings.
    If this is the case, please inform the conference secretariat of your intentions
    as early as possible to prevent any issues after the official publication of the proceedings.

Submission Form

    Submit Your Research Paper!

    Contact Us: Conference Director

    • : +91 9423573130, 9545553130
    • :
    • :,
    • :
    Science Technology Arts,Humanities & Social Science Management
    Agriculture and Forestry
    Applied Science
    Biological Sciences
    Chemical Science
    Computer Science
    Earth Sciences
    Environmental Science
    Earth Sciences
    Forensic Science
    Natural Sciences
    Information Technology
    Cloud Computing
    Digital Communication
    Computer Organization
    Computer Architecture
    Online communities
    Information Systems
    Software Engineering
    Web Technologies
    Civil Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
    Green Technology
    Artificial Intelligence
    Food Technology
    Lather Technology
    Cyber Security
    Society and Sociology
    Communication Arts
    International Relations
    Humanities and Culture Studies
    History and Geography
    Literature and Poetry
    Music and Art
    Regional Studies
    Religious Studies
    Banking Management
    Business Management
    E- Business
    Finance Management
    Hospitality and Tourism Management
    Information Management
    Logistics & Supply Chain Management
    Marketing, Operations Management
    Organizational Management
    Human Resources
    Management & Finance
    International Business


    Selection of articles will be based a number of factors including, among other things, quality of research, originality, and style. Selected papers may be required to undergo further review and editing before actual publication in selected Journals.
